Innovation of facilities and management
- Publication Date :
- Last updated:2023-12-06
- View count:2226
There is a clear sign with main and subsidiary organizations` titles being put up for visors` or the publics` convenient in direct to all affairs at the entrance .
There is a reception room being set up in the convenience to the public and factory owner for conducting businesses affair .
Inmates are funded and guarded for homecoming and hospitalization from regeneration protection program .
Inmates` quarters are completed with wooden floor finishing and provided with shelves to modify their living under a humanistic supervision .
Various recreational activities and competitions and a greater scale of visitation and affiliations for major festivals are conducted on a regular time schedule to ease and soothing inmates` temperaments to a positive and constructive state .
Anew the plans on Church Buddha worshipping halls and libraries for services and loaning books to read which are for the purposes of enriching and purifying their spirit in both centers of male and female . As for juvenile delinquents , we promote in the scriptures reading for serving the purpose of rectifying their indefinite concepts of life to a dignified philosophy , in hope of their attitudes will be influenced by ancients` wisdom and values gradually .
Inmates who are disabled , mentally defective , with heart disease or other chronic diseases , there will be a special medical care unit to avert from accidents or escort the patients to a large-scale hospital for treatments when is required . The Health Section of this house will pursue in follow-ups as well . In addition , there is a label to indicate patients` condition on the door to use as a reminder to alertness and precaution of the night shift officers . Porridge will be provided in three-meals to patients who are in need of conserving their health .